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The thought factory

How is the Neurogamer using NVIDIA technology
NeuralEcho Labs has joined NVIDIA Inception program. What does it mean for the Neurogamer? How are we leveraging the best technology in the world in regards to AI, 3D and, more recently, VR?
August 15, 2023
Corporate VR training: next-level with neurofeedback.
Walmart, British Telecom, Boeing are using Virtual Reality to train their employees. The next steps into improving the training sessions is to use data acquired through neurofeedback about the trainee's mental landscape. All, to help build more confident and skilled professionals.
August 8, 2023
More Sci, less Fi: Detect a memory with the Neurogamer
Darth Vader holds you captive and asks you where is the rebel camp. Out of 25 possible places described in the game, if your mind goes toward the correct one for more than 2 seconds, you instantly lose. This is no longer about choosing the right dialogue line. You are the real deal now, and the rebel camp's safety depends on your mental ability to stay away from that pink elephant thought.
August 1, 2023
More Sci, less Fi: Telepathy - BCIs and LLMs
Brain-Computer Interfaces enable reading thoughts. Large Language Models, such as GPTs make the task easier and faster. But can it really lead to Telepathy, as we know it? Can I think of something and reach your mind, instantly, through science? More Sci, less Fi takes a look, let's answer this together.
July 24, 2023
More Sci, less Fi: Imagining an object into reality.
More Sci, less Fi presents scientific backing to dreams the kid in us still has. This edition is about Visual Imagination. Recent studies make it more real than most of you thought it is. And we come with the implementation and how can it enhance the best corners of our lives. And you, please tell us: is it still sci-fi?
July 17, 2023
When mind and music unite
Composing music means being self-aware of our thoughts. Performing a song means being in control of our body. What if we can boost both sides? Enhance performance and progress to the next level of music production and music listening? The not-that-far future has all the right tools. Let's bring it to the present day.
July 11, 2023
Emotion-driven Gaming: from Stranger Things to the real thing
The Science behind Fiction. How does a Game that integrates real human emotions into the game-mechanics look like? Stranger Things imagined a character - Eleven - who would literally shape the world with their thoughts. But that's fiction! Well...
July 4, 2023
The new Gamer: Aware and Limitless.
You are going to love the new Gamer. They are limitless, mind befriending, upgraded humans. They are the Virtual Self, the Virtual Environment, the Virtual Everything and Virtual Nothing - all in One.
June 4, 2023
The Virtual Self 2.0
Today's Virtual Self is created by reading movements, expressions, basic physiological signals of the material body. The Virtual World replies with an interactive environment and haptic effects. Is this the dream? Is it enough to build our Virtual Self? What can we do more? What should we do more? We observed the field, we heard your thoughts. Now we bring you answers - the Virtual Self 2.0
May 29, 2023
Thought control: from labs to games
BCI is coming from the laboratories into the Gaming world. An exciting modality of controlling games by thought is through Imagined Movements. Let's see what happened in the laboratories, and then let's take a moment and build some intuition: Is it reliable? Is it accurate? Is it applicable in Gaming? Where does it go next?
May 18, 2023
Gaming with Brain-Computer Interfaces
Can you control a video game with your mind? Has it been done before? How does it even work? Does it work? Are we really going to do it? What is BCI Gaming? We have answers that give you peace and excitement.
May 11, 2023
The heart and soul of a neurotech startup
Thanks for visiting NeuralEcho Labs, I really hope you will enjoy spending time in this space, with everything it has and everything it will contain. I say space because this isn't just a website. It's the representation of our hearts and souls, mixed together and transposed into bits and bytes, to reach you in the most unfiltered way possible.
May 4, 2023
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Today is the day to build the business of your dreams. Share your mission with the world — and blow your customers away.
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